Travel + Blog = Trog. Get it?

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hiiiiiiiiiii guys. So, I know, it's been two months. What was I doing in those two months, you ask? Well, lots of stuff. Unfortunately, blogging was not one of them. But I hope that if you are reading this I have talked to you in the last two months, and if not, let's fix that!!

Tomorrow I'm leaving for two months of traveling in Europe. I would like to say I will keep up the trog, but to be honest it doesn't seem likely--I don't even know if I'll have internet where I'm going. However, I do have an email address, and since I'm traveling all alone I would love to get emails (when I have internet of course). Sooo if you somehow happen across this (I don't know why you would after two months, but ya neva know!), shoot me a message at I promise I will respond and tell you all my stories!! But for now I will have to officially retire le trog.

Hope wherever you are, whoever you are, you are well. And I hope to talk to you soon.